A few students were interviewed this morning by Cheryl Warner, the Superintendent of Warrensburg-Latham High School

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Other News From Around The Same Time

Applications for the Central Illinois CEO Program are open! The deadline is February 28. Go to our website - www.centralillinoisceo.com to apply! 4096ceeb-858a-4821-a22b-31c61003f17a

Applications for the Central Illinois CEO Program are open! The deadline is February 28. Go to our website - www.centralillinoisceo.com to apply!

❗❗Applications for the CICEO Program OPEN❗❗  If you are a sophomore or junior at Maroa-Forsyth High School  Blue Ridge CUSD #18  Clinton CUSD #15 or Warrensburg-Latham High School and ... 4096ceeb-858a-4821-a22b-31c61003f17a

❗❗Applications for the CICEO Program OPEN❗❗ If you are a sophomore or junior at Maroa-Forsyth High School Blue Ridge CUSD #18 Clinton CUSD #15 or Warrensburg-Latham High School and ...

The CICEO students are working on their business plans and our focus this past week has been market research including: ✴️ Defining target audience ✴️ Identify competitors ✴️ Creating ... 4096ceeb-858a-4821-a22b-31c61003f17a

The CICEO students are working on their business plans and our focus this past week has been market research including: ✴️ Defining target audience ✴️ Identify competitors ✴️ Creating ...