Growth mindset is defined as the belief that a persons abilities can improve through effort, learning and persistence.

This was the theme for our Mentor Day today as the students are facing obstacles and setbacks in their group business.

The students had the opportunity to present their group business plan to the mentors then had time to workshop their task lists, deadlines and goals.

After that they were given a challenge and had to solve it as a group. We recorded phrases we heard during their working time.
“She set us up to fail.”
“This is impossible.”
“I’m frustrated.”
“I don’t like feeling defeated.”
“I don’t know how to do this so I’m making my own plan.”

As a group we reflected on how this simple challenge was similar to the obstacles, challenges and setbacks they are facing in group business.

We had a great morning of networking, brainstorming and working.

Our GROWTH MINDSET takeaways are:
🔸embrace challenges
🔸persist through setbacks
🔸learn from others
🔸put in more effort
🔸see opportunities instead of obstacles