Dale Colee opened Dales Southlake Pharmacy 20 years ago. Today the CICEO and @mt.zionilceo students got a behind the scenes tour of Colee’s Corner Drugs in Forsyth. Dale shared “there are 3 things that drive entrepreneurs to be successful…”
1. Passion
2. Desire to make your community better
3. Money

For Dale and his family, they are driven to provide a service to this community with the hope to make others’ lives better. He is joined in business with his family and his daughters Erica Colee and Lauren Young shared their journey into the family business and explained their roles.
They all agreed “The best thing about family business is family…and the hardest thing about family business is family.”

This was the first time the 2 CEO programs met so it was an amazing opportunity for them to network among their peers. Additionally, this site visit gave them a better understanding of the career path of being a pharmacist, the business side of it, how the industry is impacted by legislation, services they provide to their customers and the outreach they are involved in.

Thank you @dales.rx - Erica, Dale & Lauren for the wonderful opportunity and hospitality. We learned a great lesson in entrepreneurship today and are inspired to look for ways we can impact our community by seeing a need and solving a problem.

#careerpath #entrepreneurship #dalessouthlake #coleescornerdrugs #futureleaders #mtzionceo #ciceo #ceo #pharmacylife