Board pitch for group business ✅
The learning & growing from this experience is incredible.
⭐️Two weeks ago the class brainstormed and came up with 2 really great ideas for group business.
⭐️They did research, pitched the pros & cons to each other and voted on the idea they thought to be the most revenue generating.
⭐️They elected officers & established committees with task lists.
⭐️They have done some research and established a high level business plan, putting it in power point presentation format.
⭐️They practiced the presentation and today they pitched their business to several CEO board members.
⭐️They fielded questions and feedback on how to execute their business with success.
Through these steps they are learning professional communication whether it is email, phone calls, voicemail, text or in person. The students are quickly recognizing the power of their network and resources. Time management, budget projections, creating professional marketing materials, and accepting constructive criticism have all been great lessons in the past two weeks.
They are learning and growing as they work hard to prepare to launch their group business. As soon as they have more details locked in we will share all the details.
Stay tuned…but if see a CEO student ask them about this process! They are in the midst of the of the entrepreneurial journey which isn’t always easy, but they are hard working and very determined.
Colin Powell once said “A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.”